Winter in the Shakespeare Garden

Sounds like the name of a really good movie, doesn't it?  In reality it was just a mystically rainy afternoon a few weeks ago spent in one of my favorite parts of Golden Gate Park, the Shakespeare Garden
As we were leaving the garden, a Japanese tourist was walking in by herself with a tripod in her hand-- I got all excited about it because I'm always threatening my husband that if he doesn't take good pics I'll replace him with the tripod (I don't think I could ever really do that outside of my own house, I would feel silly)
so I blurted out "tripod!" to her like I had a nervous tic or something... luckily she couldn't speak English, because I don't think I was trying to say anything else other than stating the obvious that yes indeed, she had a tripod and was about to take some pictures of herself. She just kind of gave me a puzzled look and finally said "tri-pod," back to me, then I excitedly said "you have a tripod!" and nodded my head. It was a weird little exchange but hopefully I affirmed her tripod use for that day. Just call me cultural ambassador of San Francisco.  She was probably thinking, "what a strange American girl, never saw a tripod before."

coat,  Marc New York
pointelle sweater, 1970s vintage
wool skirt, 1970s vintage
boots, Jeffrey Campbell
cameo pin, vintage via my mom
bag, Francesco Biasia


  1. Lovely lovely! I keep finding these wonderful little pockets in the park. I'll have to make a trip to the Shakespeare Garden soon. :)


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