♥ Shop Update: Strawberry Rhubarb ♥

It's probably because I'm trying to stay away from sweets at the moment, but as I was updating the shop this morning, all I could think about was how these dresses reminded me of strawberry rhubarb pie.  I think I may just have to forget about my dessert ban and whip one up sometime soon.   As far as pies go, it looks pretty healthy all things considering, don't you think?  Anyway, all these pieces are available now in the shop, and most of them are in the $30-$50  range so go have a (guiltless) look!


  1. the 6th dress just sings to me, such a beautiful shade! hope you're feeling better from poison oak :(

  2. These look so yummy! I love the dress right before the strawberries. I agree, fruit totally makes pies healthy ;)


  3. Love those dresses, and I'm sure that pie was delicious!


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